
CJL Grants, Open Zoom Workout, Next Meeting, and more!

Dear Judo Lovers,
I am so proud of the CJL community.  We are living in an unprecedented time and everyone is being affected in different ways.   Saturday,  the CJL Executive Committee voted to give each active CJL club a grant of $1000 per club.  These funds are intended to help dojos pay rent or other dojo expenses, and to help dojo members who have lost their jobs or have been unable to work due to the COVID19 pandemic.  My fellow judoka, if you are struggling financially, or could use any sort of help, talk to your dojo leader.  If they don’t know, they can’t help.  We have a big community with even bigger hearts.
I also want to say thank you to Johnson & Wales University Mixed Martial Arts Club and the US Air Force Academy Judo Club for redistributing their grant funds to help dojos who still have to pay rent through all of this. 

Here are some other ways that dojos are helping and keeping the spirit of Judo alive:
1.   Front Range Judo has a new YouTube Channel and sending out challenges that will get more difficult as they go on. 
2.   Alyssa & Kedge Zawack are posting home workouts on their Facebook page.
3.   Nicolas Mbog is posting workouts on his Facebook page and YouTube.
4.   Fort Collins Judo is hosting their kids class via zoom two times a week to help keep students engaged. Marcos sends out videos of exercises they are going to do so they can practice for Wednesday and Friday.
5.   Some individuals are donating their stimulus checks, or anything they can spare, to their dojo so they can help others in need.
6.   Jessica Lockfeld has sewn and donated hundreds of masks and you can now buy them on her Facebook page.  I believe Edson Mallo’s wife, Liana, is doing the same.
7.   Nikki & Ryan Jones have hired judoka Ajax Tadehara to be their virtual personal trainer.  
8.   If you have any other ideas or shout outs, let me know!

We are hosting a CJL Open Workout on Thursday, April 16th at 6:30pm via zoom.  I am using my sister’s zoom room so do not be surprised when you open up zoom and see South Dakota State University.  I would love to see your faces!  Marcos Batan is our first instructor and this honor will be traveling from instructor to instructor until the end of the quarantine and we can get back on the mat.
Topic: Colorado Judo League Open WorkOut
Time: Apr 16, 2020 06:30 PM Mountain Standard Time (US and Canada)
 Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 956 3253 2119
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Lastly, we are hosting our next CJL meeting via Zoom on Saturday, April 25th at 11am.  I will send out the link closer to the meeting date.   We are hosting elections for CJL office so if you are interested in running for President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, or Delegate-at-Large, please email me to put you on the ballot.  Also, if you have any agenda items, please email me those in advance as well.

Dreaming of the tatami but I’ll take seeing you on Zoom!
Tracy Crawford
CJL President for 11 more days